Friday 3 October 2014

Going it Alone

I can't believe it's actually a year since I posted anything here. The name for the blog should be The Hopeless Blogger!
So, as you may have guessed, I've published another book. At least that's a good reason for a blog post.

I published my first full length book a year ago, but as it’s a facts and fiction fused kind of book, it’s not considered a novel. Many have said that I have written it for a narrow reader-ship, ie that of the writer/ budding writer/procrastinating writer, but it wasn’t meant to be. It had some absolutely fab reviews on , but I seemed to spend all my time reading other people’s manuscripts, in order to get people to read mine. I needed to keep writing, so I pulled out of there, in order to actually finish writing WBP’s story/diary.

It’s still there, in part, but I have added the published cover and the fact that it is published.  ‘Diary of a Would-Be-Protagonist’ sold fairly well in the initial months, and WBP has become my sparring partner and my friend, now waiting for me to complete The Lost Manuscript (now found).

 I ‘set up’ my own imprint, Midnight Scribbler Publishing, as I made the decision to go it alone, and self-publish WBP through Create Space, after realising that I wouldn’t get a Mainstream publisher, let alone an Indie publisher, interested in something that didn’t belong in any of the popular genres.  

 That may or may not have been a mistake – as a year on I took a further step, deciding to publish all my books on my own terms, under my own imprint (but of course, it is still self-publishing). I used Lulu this time around, as I have published several anthologies in aid of charities using this service, and published my first novel ‘The Loss’ last month (September 2014). I think it’s a pretty good story, and the book looks good, too (it had very good feedback in the beta-reading stages), but it’s not yet available on Amazon, or as an e-book. Which means – despite a free postage offer – not a single sale. It will be interesting to see if it will make a difference. I have of course bought author copies. One copy has gone off to be reviewed on Graham Sclater’s December show with John Peters, on Venture Radio, and there are signed copies to be sent out as well as copies going into a few book shops.

But why, oh why, do I feel like an outsider these days? Is it because I want to be a paperback writer (with the e-book only as an addition)? I should say ignore me, but please don’t. I have stories to tell a-plenty.

I like a good launch party on Facebook, and have had great fun in a few, helping fellow writers along, but I’m wary of arranging a FB launch, and calling it a party this time. I wish I knew why! Perhaps I should just get on with my writing...