Saturday 28 September 2013

The Launch Party Invitation

Not only has WBP, the Would-Be-Protagonist, now got his own page on Facebook (using the title of the book for his page name), but he is having a party. It's good for me to hide away a little, to be the one in the background, serving up the virtual refreshments. So he says. Yeah, yeah.

So, as the one who does the toiling around here (can looks kill?), I'm writing out virtual invitations. 'I'm being dumb?'
'Yes, you're just writing an invitation on your blog. It's not virtual. I am virtual.'
See what I have to put up with? WBP is on my shoulder all the time.
'Get on with it.'
'I will, I will. But it's a while yet. We have plenty of time.'
'Yes, but we don't have plenty of time for doing nothing, and doing nothing doesn't sell my story.'
'Ah, so it's your story now? I thought it was your diary?'
'Sort of. But that's besides the point. I want people to read it.'
'Oh well, I want a bestseller, but I'm not holding my breath.'
'You want to be rich?'
'No, I want to share.'
I'm not telling him that I wouldn't mind a lottery win, am I?
'You'd better that invitation then!'

So here goes:

You are hereby cordially invited to the Official Launch Party for Diary of a Would-Be-Protagonist, on Saturday, October 12th, from 9 am onwards, at

The book... 'my book!' ... Okay, WBP's book, is available at and, and the Book Depository, as well as CreateSpace.

Saturday 14 September 2013


It seems to have been a long process, but it has been taking place behind the scenes this week, as the reviewing process took place, a good friend sorted out the cover for me to make it compatible with the CreateSpace publishing process (thank you Stephen Price!), and the proof copy winged its way to me. Me? I was enjoying a lovely week with my sister Bibbi, my niece Trine (a fabulous artist who is now going to work on the cover for one of my future books, as well as some black and white interior illustrations), and my great-nephew Andreas (a really lovely 10 year old, who said I should write a book about him, called 'The Naughty Boy', but he wasn't naughty at all!), from Norway. They left late last night, and I miss them already. But I have kept very busy, working on the book on CreateSpace and Kindle.
The Kindle version will/should be available in 12 hours' time, but the printed version will take a few days. Perhaps I should plan a launch party? (No, no, WBP, not that kind of launch. We'll keep that for the next book... and don't you run away. You'll be needed at that party!).

Friday 6 September 2013

Publishing Progress

Well, I have uploaded the manuscript, and so far so good. I'm in doubt over the cover, as the pdf file print is in landscape. Not having a clue about the actual process... what if it's not turned? But, I suppose that's what the 24 hour review thing is for. I've timed it badly. That will be just about the time my sister arrives, after a day or so of travelling. So the Midnight Scribbler will call in after my visitors have gone to bed.

I also managed to update my tax information with Amazon, although I'm not quite sure whether more is needed. I'm sure I'll be told soon enough.

Now to hang up my publisher hat and pop on an apron. Time to clean the oven.

Alternative Text/Title on Cover

Simplifying the title...

Thursday 5 September 2013

The Manuscript

It's done. I have gone through the last two chapters/entries with a fine tooth comb, and made the pdf file, ready for publishing. But there's a character whispering in my ear that it's not done at all, that this is not the end, but the beginning. Where have I heard that before?

This is it. It is. Now for uploading...

The Cover

It's no secret that I'm a techno phobe, and working out how to add text to my cover image (used by permission) caused me some hair-tearing moments. But then I found Pic Font, and... the cover was created. There may still be some slight adjustments to make, but I secretely (perhaps not so secret, admitting it here!) hope it can stay as it is.

Sunday 1 September 2013

Getting Waylaid

There really is something to be said for putting a manuscript away for quite some time before editing. It allows the writer the reader’s perspective, in a way, I think.  But I’m getting carried away re-reading, when I’m supposed to be formatting. Well, I’m doing that, too, but slowing myself up. I had expected to be finished by now, but I’m just on page 63. About a third of the way.      

I wonder, do I get a bonus for having several manuscripts awaiting that final edit?

Ouch! WBP does not want to be pushed aside again (but he didn’t need to kick my sore shin). I can’t say that I blame, though. He has been patient enough – in an impatient way. If that’s possible.


My apologies to those of you who may have been following my ms The Box, when the blog was called Tales of a Welsh Viking. I have taken the posts down, but the ms is safe, with more added. In fact, I have finished it, but need to go over the last few chapters, to make sure my tying up of endings haven't gone awry. Easily done! But first things first...

I'm not the best of bloggers, but my little publishing escapade needed a home, so here we are, WBP - the Would-Be-Protagonist - Anna (the writerly me) - and I. I just hold the pen. Or hit the keys on the laptop. Honest.

Midnight Scribbler Publishing seems quite apt, as I'm often to be found doing those jobs which I should probably be doing during daylight hours (if nothing else, to save my eyes), but my days are full, and I wear many hats. Only of the virtual kind, I hasten to add. You will never, ever see me wearing a hat, for any reason. Not even a wooly one in winter (I've made my head itch at the very thought).

So to work. Time to format Diary of a Would-Be-Protagonist, ready to upload.